Xu Yuanyuan

Xu Yuanyuan, female, was born in April, 1980. She received her Bachelor and Master degrees from Shandong University in 2002 and 2005. During the period of 2006-2008 that she was pursuing her doctor degree, she did study and research at the Technical University of Berlin funded by DAAD, Germany. In Jan. 2010, she received her PhD degree in the department of Control Theory and Control Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and then worked in postdoctoral research in the department of Instrument Science and Technology of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Now, She is an associate professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and works in Sino-Dutch Mechatornics Engineering College, Logistics Engineering College, SMU.
Teaching Tasks:
1. Computer-Controlled Technology(Graduate Courses)
2. Advanced Process Control(Graduate Courses)
3. Computer-Controlled Theory(Undergraduate Course, Bilingual Course, Video Course)
4. Principle and Applications of Industrial controller: Part II(Undergraduate Course, Bilingual/English Course)
5. Signal Analysis and processing(Undergraduate Course)
6. The Course Design of Principle and Applications of Industrial controller: Part II(Undergraduate Course)
7. Sensors and Measurement Technology(Undergraduate Course, Bilingual Course)
Research Areas:
Modeling and Process simulation of complex systems, system optimization and performance evaluation, optimization methods and control technologies for renewable energy and so on.
Academic Plurality:
Reviewer of NSFC project,
Reviewers of Journals including Computers & Chemical Engineering, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Asian Journal of Control, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control (IJMIC)
Reviewer of CCC, and the Session Chair of CCC2015
Part of Projects:
1. Natural Science Foundation of China (61603246),Collaborative modeling and control in multi-scale for marine denitrification system based on data and mechanism analysis,2017.01-2019.12.
2. Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (20133121120001),Studies on the Denitrification System of marine diesel engine to optimize the NOx Removal Rate, 2014.01-2016.12.
3. Shanghai Natural Science Fund (13ZR1418900),Research on the Optimization and Control of SCR-DeNOx system for marine diesel engine with the aim of saving Energy and reducing consumption,2013.07-2016.06.
4. The Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (14YZ105),Performance analysis and optimization control method of SCR denitrification system for marine diesel engine,2014.01-2016.12.
5. The Science & Technology Program of Shanghai Maritime University (20130435), The Modeling and the uniform control technology of the denitrification system for marine diesel engine, 2013.09-2016.08.
Recent Publications:
1. Yuanyuan Xu, Yan Zhang, Fengna Liu, Weifeng Shi, and Jingqi Yuan. CFD analysis on the catalyst layer breakage failure of an SCR-DeNOx system for a 350 MW coal-fired power plant, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 69:119-127, 2014.
2. Yuanyuan Xu, Ming Zhao, Steve Paschke, Guenter Wozny. Detailed Investigations of the Countercurrent Multiphase (Gas–Liquid and Gas–Liquid–Liquid) Flow Behavior by Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53:7797-7809, 2014.
3. Yuanyuan Xu, Yan Zhang, Jingqi Yuan Application of CFD in the optimal design of an SCR-DeNOx system for a 300MW coal-fired power plant, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 49:50-60, 2013.
4. Liang Xunquan, Xiao Jianmei, XU Yuanyuan, Liu Shuangshuang. CFD Simulations to research the Control Rules with Gate leaves in SCR-DeNOx Facility for Marine Diesel Engines, CCC2015, 6251-6255, 2015.
5. Yuanyuan Xu, Shanwei Zhang, Weifeng Shi, Jingqi Yuan. Surface Temperature Predictive Model of Steel Ingots. CCC2014, 6251-6255, 2014.
6. Xunquan Liang, Yuanyuan Xu, Shuangshuang Liu, Xiuyan Men. CFD Simulations to portray the Control Rules with Gate leaves in SCR-DeNOx Facility for Marine Diesel Engines. Highlights of Sciencepaper Online, 8(16):1737-1743, 2015.
7. Shuangshuang Liu, Yuanyuan Xu, Jianmei Xiao. Cold Hot Water Mixer Based on CFD and The Single Neuron PI control Algorithm. Sciencepaper Online, 2015.
8. Yan Wang, Yuanyuan Xu. Ammonia dosing controller in SCR-DeNOx system for marine diesel engines based on model identification. Sciencepaper Online, 2016.
Email: yyxu@shmtu.edu.cn