Zhu Fumin

Zhu Fumin, born in 1962, doctor degree, is a professor, Vice Dean of Logistics Engineering College of Shanghai Maritime University. He has a longtime academic experience in designing, manufacturing, lecturing and application of construction machinery. His research interests are currently focused on innovative design and manufacturing research of construction machinery, machine’s electro-hydraulic control system, and remote monitoring/maintenance for construction machinery, involved machines include many newly-developed lifting machines and piling machines such as truck crane, tower crane with overlift, hydraulic excavator, rotary drill rig, hydraulic diaphragm wall grab and their controlling systems. Some of his teaching units are “Structure of Construction Machinery”, “Electro-hydraulic Control of Construction Machinery”, “Hydraulic System” and “Analytical Method for Machine Structure”. He has been awarded or sharing over ten research grants of National 863 Project, National Science and Technology Infrastructure Program and others. Besides several patents, he has published over thirty papers in journals, and contributed chapters to five books.