Zheng Su

Zheng Su, male, born in 1959, doctor degree, professor, Librarian of Shanghai Maritime University.
Prof. Zheng has worked in this college after getting master degree at SMU in 1987.
Have successively held the posts of assistant of dean of Mechanical Engineering Department, head of the Teaching and Research Section of Mechanics, director of laboratory of Mechanics, vice dean of Mechanical Department, vice dean of Engineering College, vice dean of Logistics Engineering College. hold the post of dean of Logistics Engineering College since 2011.
He is the professor of courses of theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, mechanical vibration, vibration control.
His major research field is vibration control of harbour machinery structure. He has published about 30 academic papers in domestic and international professional journals. Furthermore, he has got 4 patents.
Now he is a member of Council of shanghai Vibration Engineering Society.