Analog Electronics Technology Teaching Demonstration Class and Seminars in Logistics Engineering College

On May 7, 2014, Measurement and Control Teaching and Research Section organized the Analog Electronics Technology Teaching Demonstration Class and Seminars in room 221 in Logistics Engineering College.

Analog electronics technology is a compulsory subject in elementary course for Automatic electrical major, which has always been important and difficult teaching point. The course mainly focuses on various semiconductors, basic amplifier circuit, and original operational amplifier circuit theory as well as design methods of analog circuits.

Mr. Zheng Zongya has been engaged in teaching for more than 30 years, which helped him formed a set of teaching methods, being immensely popular with his students. In order to pass along and carry forward his previous teaching experience, Mr. Zheng was invited to give a public lecture to the faculty of teaching and research office. Meanwhile, he also introduced the important and difficult teaching points according to his own experience.

Other professors also attended the activity. After that they had an ardent and fruitful discussion on teaching techniques and theoretical difficulties. Every teacher benefited a great deal from the 2-hour seminar.

